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Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system in West Virginia, like much of the nation, is in dire need of reform. For too long, our system has perpetuated cycles of poverty, crime, and incarceration, often disproportionately affecting our most vulnerable citizens. It’s time to create a system that is just, fair, and effective in promoting public safety while providing opportunities for rehabilitation and second chances.

As your representative, I am committed to pursuing a comprehensive approach to criminal justice reform that includes the following key priorities:

1. Sentencing Reform:
West Virginia has one of the highest incarceration rates in the country. Many individuals are serving lengthy sentences for non-violent offenses, particularly those related to drug possession. We need to reassess our sentencing laws to ensure they are fair and proportional to the crimes committed. I will work to introduce legislation that reduces mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent offenses and provides judges with greater discretion in sentencing.

2. Drug Policy and Rehabilitation:
The opioid crisis has devastated families and communities across our state. Instead of treating addiction as a criminal issue, we must address it as a public health crisis. I will advocate for increased funding for treatment and rehabilitation programs, as well as alternatives to incarceration for individuals struggling with substance abuse. Expanding access to mental health services and support for those in recovery is crucial to breaking the cycle of addiction and preventing recidivism.

3. Police Accountability and Community Trust:
Our law enforcement officers have a difficult job, and most serve with honor and integrity. However, we must ensure that all officers are held to the highest standards of accountability. Building trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve is essential to effective policing. I will push for the implementation of body cameras for all officers, the establishment of independent review boards to oversee incidents of police misconduct, and the promotion of community policing initiatives that foster positive relationships between officers and residents.

4. Reentry and Rehabilitation Programs:
For those who have served their time, reentry into society should come with the opportunity for a fresh start. We need to invest in job training, education, and reentry programs that help formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate into the community and lead productive lives. I will work to remove barriers to employment and housing for those with criminal records, and advocate for the restoration of voting rights to individuals who have completed their sentences.

5. Juvenile Justice Reform:
Our young people are the future of West Virginia, and we must do everything we can to keep them on the right path. Juvenile justice reform is essential to ensuring that young offenders are given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and turn their lives around. I support expanding diversion programs, increasing access to mental health services for youth, and providing educational and vocational training to help them succeed.

Criminal justice reform is not just about being tough on crime; it’s about being smart on crime. It’s about creating a system that keeps our communities safe while also being fair and just. It’s about recognizing that everyone deserves a second chance and that our laws should reflect the values of compassion, fairness, and opportunity.

As your representative in the US House, I will fight for these reforms because I believe they are necessary for the future of West Virginia. Together, we can build a justice system that works for everyone.

Paid For by Committee to Elect David Sartin
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